The Ultimate Shell Jewelry Guide - Importance in Folklore and Soothsaying, Advantages and Some Styling Tips The marine climate is home to various creatures. Perhaps of the most fascinating marine creature that live in the sea is the mollusk. These marine creatures by and large have a hard, defensive external layer, or exoskeleton called shells. A portion of the mollusks that make shells are whelks, conchs, shellfishes, winkles, limpets, and cowries. An intriguing reality: the vacant shells that you find on sea shores can be hundreds, or even millennia old - so recall - each shell you find on the ocean front is a piece of history. In this specific blog, we will educate you regarding the relationship of shells with crystal gazing, Hinduism, and antiquated folklore. Post this, we will let you know how you can wear shell jewelry and the advantages of wearing shell jewelry. Let us not stand by any longer and enter the strange universe of shells.