
Significance in Astrology: -Aries: Amethyst relaxes and restores equilibrium. - Taurus: Rose Quartz promotes harmony and devotion. -Gemini: Citrine boosts communication and inspiration. -Cancer: Moonstone helps regulate emotions. - Leo: For protection, wear black tourmaline. -Virgo: The mental clarity of crystal clear quartz. - Weights: Harmony is drawn to selenite. -Scorpio: Obsidian promotes change. - Sagittarius: Lapis lazuli enhances wisdom. - Capricorn: Garnet supports aspiration. Amethyst strengthens Aquarius' intuition. - Pisces: The hue aquamarine promotes calm and clarity. Sourcing: For high-quality crystal pieces, retailers might consider JewelPin, a reputable gemstone jewellery manufacturer and supplier of sterling silver crystal jewellery.


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