
Typically, a female menstruates every 28 days. On average, ovulation takes place on the 14th day. The first 14 days are called the follicular phase, and the second 14 days are called the luteal phase. It's important for women to have regular menstruation to ensure proper ovulation. There are several tests and methods to find out regular ovulation in women. If there is no ovulation, it may be caused by issues at the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, or ovarian level. Therefore, it's necessary to conduct all tests to identify the defect and provide necessary treatments. There are several treatment methods, including drugs, injections, tablets, etc. Before such treatments, thyroid and prolactin levels must be ensured to be normal. Initially, an ovulation induction is conducted, and then it is decided whether natural contact or Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) can be performed. If this fails, escalation to in vitro fertilization (IVF) is considered. Watch this video by Dr. P. M. Gopinath, Lead Consultant & Head - OBG & IVF, to understand the various types of tests and treatment procedures for Ovulation and Female Fertility.


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