
Take a ride through the alluring universe of Blue Sapphire Jewellery - its meaning, significance, facts, birthstone months, and healing properties. Meaning and Significance: Blue Sapphire represents the purity of knowledge, truth, and security. Speaking of history, blue sapphire has a very deep but rich color that always symbolizes spiritual enlightenment and loyalty in any vast area. Therefore, it is understandably that this blue gemstone has captivated people for decades. Facts: It belongs to the family of sapphires and ranks within them just after diamonds in terms of hardness. The best-known Blue sapphire is the “Star of India” which is a 563-carat stone displayed in the American Museum of Natural History. Birthstone Month: Blue Sapphire, which is the birthstone for September, represents power, calmness, and tranquillity for the people born during this month. Healing Properties: Blue Sapphire is considered to enhance feelings related to mental clarity, intuition, and understanding. It helps relax one's mind, reduces stress, and thus supports balance of emotional system, hence meditating and reflecting become possible. Trust JewelPin as your trusted source for purchasing authentic and exquisite wholesale Blue Sapphire jewellery. For More Information-:


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