
List of Water Management/Saving Methods for Apartment Construction Plan in chennai 1. Recharging Ground Water in Apartments Water is essential, and it is a finite resource. Groundwater recharge is one method of water management that can help ensure an adequate water supply for future generations. Groundwater recharge occurs when water from the surface, such as rain or melted snow, seeps down into the ground and replenishes groundwater supplies. This process can happen naturally during rain, or it can be assisted through artificial means. Artificial groundwater recharge is a process whereby water is deliberately infiltrated into shallow aquifers to increase groundwater quantity. This can be done through various methods, such as injecting water into the ground or using percolation pits. The volume of water being abstracted from an aquifer over the long term mustn’t exceed the volume being recharged; otherwise, groundwater supplies will dwindle. 2. Greywater System in Apartments Looking to save on your water bill? Consider using greywater in your home. Greywater is wastewater from non-toilet plumbing fixtures, like sinks, washing machines and showers. This type of water is generally easier to recycle than blackwater, because it contains fewer contaminants. The method and standard of treatment will depend on the size of your system. To avoid confusion with potable water, make sure all pipes and supply points in your greywater system are clearly labeled. With proper care, a greywater system can help you save up to 40% on your yearly water bill. 3. STP System/ Wastewater Recycling Wastewater recycling is crucial for preserving our water resources. There are two main types of wastewater – greywater and blackwater. Greywater is easier to treat and recycle than blackwater, which contains harmful bacteria that can cause disease. In order to save our communities from the dangers of raw sewage, one should build wastewater treatment plants and enforce laws against its release into the environment. These treatment plants help us recycle blackwater, making it safe to use again. In recent years, it has been evident that there has been an increasing interest in wastewater reuse as a key part of water conservation efforts. If your society banded together to invest in a sewage treatment plant (STP), it could mean an end to water scarcity and the recycling of water 365 days a year. To make this happen, you would need to get consent for operation from your municipal corporation and employ qualified staff to oversee standard operating procedures. However, if you invested in an eco-friendly STP that uses anaerobic methods and requires little energy, mimicking natural processes, then you could make a huge impact without using diesel or polluting the environment. Self-sustaining technologies like the STP and Omni Processor are excellent investments because they eventually pay for themselves and produce valuable resources like electricity and potable water. Not to mention, these technologies also help reduce pollution by preventing raw sewage from being dumped into rivers and lakes. By investing in self-sustaining technologies, we can help solve the water/electricity crisis while also protecting the environment. 4. Rainwater Harvesting in Apartments Water is an essential element for all life on earth. All organisms, whether plant or animal, require water to survive. Without water, there would be no life on our planet. There are many sources of water on earth, but rainfall is the most important. Rainfall is the primary source of water for all other sources, such as rivers, lakes, and groundwater. In urban areas, it is important to increase groundwater recharge and manage stormwater. In rural areas, the focus is on providing water for farming and livestock and ensuring that people have access to clean water in summer or during dry periods. Ground Rainwater Harvesting Artificial recharge is the process of replenishing groundwater supplies through man-made means. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as injecting water into aquifers or using surface water to recharge groundwater reservoirs. By artificially recharging groundwater supplies, we can help ensure a sustainable and reliable water supply for future generations. Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting Rooftop rainwater harvesting is a great way to conserve water. Collecting rainwater from your roof can reduce your dependence on municipal water sources and save money on your water bill. Plus, it’s an environmentally-friendly way to get your water, since you’re not using energy to pump it from elsewhere. Here’s how it works: The roof of your house or building becomes the catchment for rainwater. PVC gutters are used to collect the water and transport it to a storage tank. 5. Ways to Save Water in Apartments Stop/Fix Leaks Water leaks could be a critical problem in apartment complexes, with up to 70% of flats affected at any given time. Even a minor leak can waste 180 litres of water per month, so a 200 unit complex could be losing 36,000 litres every month. Pumps, bore wells, tanks, and other fittings should be checked regularly for leaks, and any serious problems should be fixed immediately. Make sure borewells are metered and monitored so you can catch any issues early. 2. Water Sprayer Installation A water sprayer is a simple but essential kitchen appliance! It is simply a showerhead that gives a wider flow of water, making washing dishes possible with much less water. Make sure your plumber instals one of these in all your kitchen taps – he can do it while he’s checking for any leaky taps. On the other hand, water flow reducers also aid in saving a considerable amount of water. Installing these flow reducers can result in saving up to 40% of water. 3. Keep a Track If you want to save water, start with your staff. They are the ones who use the most water in each home. Educate them on the importance of conserving water and show them how their actions can make a difference. Let the facility manager be aware of the various practices to follow for water conservation, such as swimming pool maintenance and fire-fighting systems. And most importantly, let the numbers speak for themselves. Every month, publish the Water Expense report from your Expense Tracker to all Residents. This will help them be more conscious of their own water usage and celebrate when they see a decrease in bills. 4. Dual Piping System In an apartment complex, two different piping systems are needed to supply potable water and either recycled water, greywater, or rainwater. The former is used for drinking and cooking, while the latter is used for washing, toilet flushing, and other purposes. To take advantage of greywater usage, the entire complex must have a dual piping system in place. Alternatively, the plumbing system can be modified to create dual piping. 5. Advanced Flush As water becomes an increasingly scarce resource, more and more builders are installing dual flush toilets in new apartments. Dual flush toilets use far less water than traditional toilets, making them a great way to conserve water. Traditional toilets can use up to 14 litres of water per flush, while dual flush toilets use only 4-6 litres. This can make a significant difference in terms of water conservation. Dual flush toilets have two handles or buttons for different levels of flushing, and some models can even be retrofitted to reduce the amount of water used even further. Installing a tank bank inside the flush tank is another way to save water. 6. Application of Smart Water Metres Water conservation is important for many reasons. One way to help conserve water is to install smart water meters for your building. These meters can track the water consumption patterns of each home and provide real-time data on usage. This information can be used to encourage a healthy competitive spirit among residents, applauding those with the lowest consumption. Studies have estimated that societies can save up to 35% on water usage with these meters in place. Continue reading on


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