
The Very Hungry Caterpillar's Jiggly Caterpillar is great fun. Full of quirky attachments and it jiggles too. The Jiggly Caterpillar's body is made from green material with a retractable cord inside. When you pull the head away from the tail the whole of the caterpillar will jiggle and move back together. The Jiggly Caterpillars head is the normal soft red plush head with soft plush purple feelers. He has four little brown legs sticking out from his body. His eyes are green and sewn on with yellow cotton. Around the Very Hungry Jiggly Caterpillars tummy are rings of various materials and colours. There are three material ones and a plastic see through ring with colourful beads inside it. It also has four teething rings. The colours of the teething rings are red, blue, yellow and purple. The Very hungry Jiggly Caterpillar also has a loop at the bottom of his tail in purple making it easy for baby to hold on to. On his head is a Velcro strip for ease of attaching it to a cot, buggy and car chair. The Very Hungry Jiggly Caterpillar is great entertainment for baby.


Johnny Brian

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