
1 Tub = 1.48 oz (42 g); Lil' Crunchies - Veggie Dip flavor. Baked corn snack. Naturally flavored with other natural flavors. Made with 100% whole grain corn. 30% Less sodium than leading cheese snack (Lil' Crunchies contain 50 mg sodium per 7 g serving compared to 72 mg sodium in 7 g serving of the leading cheese flavored snack). Your toddler is probably ready to experiment with new and different flavors. With new Graduates Lil' Crunchies, your little one can try a variety of big kid flavors he or she will love. And because they are made from 100% whole grain corn and have 30% less sodium than the leading cheese snack, you'll love them too! Designed just for toddlers, Graduates Lil' Crunchies are: easy to chew and swallow; easy for toddlers to pick up; and not messy. This package is sold by weight, not by volume, and may not appear full due to settling of contents. Nutrition facts panels for children 1-4 years. function openGCBalance() {var url = ?http://www2dev. aspx UPC=1500004831?; open Window(url, 700, 450);} function open Window(address, width, height, resizable, scrollbars) {if(!scrollbars) { scrollbars = "yes"; } if(!resizable) { resizable = "no"; } var new Window = window. open(address, ?Popup Window width=? + width + ?height=? + height + ?toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=? + scrollbars + ?resizable=? + resizable); new Window. focus();}


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