
On land freed from American Indians upon the orders of George Washington, the town of Ovid was formed in 1794, after military lots were numbered by Simeon DeWitt and his assistants. In 1860, construction was completed on three brick buildings that became known as the Three Bears, which served as the town's courthouse, eventually served as the Seneca County Seat, and now serve as the Town of Ovid municipal offices. Gradually, more settlers came, cleared land, built roads, started businesses, and founded churches and schools. Bordered by the Seneca and Cayuga Lakes, where barges were used to transport goods, the town developed a vibrant farming community with productive orchards and vineyards. Tourism flourished, and summer homes were built by those looking to escape the city. One of these summer homes was that of Herman Westinghouse, who worked together with his brother George Westinghouse on their company's myriad inventions.


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