True-life story exemplifying the importance of our time with God. (1 Peter 2:2) adivineencounter....


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Growing up in Sunday school I knew a lot of Bible stories. I knew about David and Goliath, Noah’s Ark, and the miracles of Jesus. Sunday-school lessons are often laid about by theme, which is great for building morals. But . . . what I didn’t understand was how the pieces fit together. I didn’t understand how Adam’s story connected with David’s story and how they both connected with Jesus’ story.


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Our Fascination with the Amish - Women Living Well


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The Ultimate Homemaker


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Free Proverbs 31 Ebook & Video Series


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5 keys to dreaming together


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Respect can be hard to give to our husbands. A reader asked "How do I respect my husband's weaknesses?"


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Father God, you have blessed me in countless ways. Thank you for the love of family, for deep-belly laughs, for hot drinks on cold days, for little hands that hold me tight, for tasty meals made with love, for the support of friends, for breathtaking sunsets.


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An honest post offering hope for the straying believer. Proverbs 24:16 adivineencounter....


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Uplifting post for Christian moms. (2 Cor. 12:9) adivineencounter....


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Part of preparing ourselves for a child is praying for our baby's health and spiritual well-being. 14 Scriptures you can pray in a free printable download for you!


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Profound post about seeing our trials from God's perspective...and we might just see they're not really trials at all. adivineencounter....


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No one taught me how to have a quiet time. Instead, I figured it out myself as a pregnant teenager who’d just given her life to God. And you know what? God showed up! He met me. He taught me. He teaches me still


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No one taught me how to have a quiet time. Instead, I figured it out myself as a pregnant teenager who’d just given her life to God. And you know what? God showed up! He met me. He taught me. He teaches me still


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Heartfelt post about the blessings that accompany trials. (Philippians 3:8) adivineencounter....


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I looked like the perfect bride when, at age eighteen, I walked down the aisle to where John waited. Although outwardly I was adorned in a beautiful gown, inside I wore scars of past hurts. In my hands I carried a fragrant bouquet of roses. In my mind memories of embraces with past lovers—secret intimacies that had fulfilled me for a season.


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God, Thank you for your compassion. Give me reminders of your love throughout my days. Show me the steadfastness of your love. Reveal to me all that your have done and all that you will do.


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How can we serve our soldiers? More specifically, how we can help women (and men) who find themselves facing the holidays alone? There are some simple ways we can come alongside these men and women and show love in meaningful ways.


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A balanced view of the modesty debate in Christian circles. (I Timothy 2:9-10) adivineencounter....


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Yet for many years I was ashamed to be a (former) teenage mother. I felt like everyone was judging me. I tried to be perfect. (And actually I think it was more in my head than anything!) But your mess can become a message!


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Fall Outfit Ideas & Modesty Resource List! - Satisfaction Through Christ


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But how can we serve them? More specifically, how we can help women (and men) who find themselves facing the holidays alone? There are some simple ways we can come alongside these men and women and show love in meaningful ways.


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Are you the perfect Proverbs 31 wife? The truth about this intimidating chapter of the Bible and why it makes us feel so inadequate.


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If you love historical fiction and learning about the Titanic, this book is for you—and it's $1.99!


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Keeping Christ in CHRISTMAS~Tip #3


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Celebrating Christmas {In Opposite World}


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15 dinner party gift ideas for the hostess


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15 Ways to Keep Christ in Christmas - Women Living Well


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Inexpensive gift ideas. Cookie mix in a jar :) Who wouldn't love that?


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God, I may have troubles too numerous to count, but I’m so thankful I can have peace in you. Let me remember your words and your truth. You have overcome the world. With you, all things are possible – including having peace in the midst of trouble.


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